We have more questions than answers about Trump campaign’s hack claim

We have more questions than answers about Trump campaign’s hack claim Iran is intent on interfering with our next election. But it could also be true that someone with the Trump campaign decided to leak some embarrassing data about JD Vance.

Politico reported Saturday that last month it began receiving internal documents, reportedly assessed as authentic by two knowledgeable sources, that seem to have been hacked from within the Trump campaign. Also on Saturday, The Washington Post revealed that it had received similar documents two days before. The Trump campaign issued a statement Saturday asserting that it had been hacked and blamed Iran. As a former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, I have questions.

The documents in question reportedly include a 271-page research document containing the results of Trump’s vetting of vice presidential nominee JD Vance. Forbes referred to that document as Vance’s “dirty laundry dossier,” implying that it might contain information painting Vance in a more unfavorable light than the struggling candidate is already in. Politico provided intriguing details of the email it received offering the material: